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CommunityPass for schools takes over where your Student Information System ends. You’ve already invested in a SIS. Why not find new uses for it?

CommunityPass For Pre K-12 Public,

Private & Charter Schools

 CommunityPass is designed for your school’s fee-based registrations and payments, such as activity and club fees,
kindergarten extension, summer school, laptop rental fees, before and after care tuition payments, and more.



Before & After Care Program Management


Student Information System Integration


Online Registration And Payment Collection


FOR School Administrators

Lower Operational Costs

  • Eliminate time-consuming tasks of processing registration forms
    and tracking payments
  • Decrease printing and postage costs
  • Operate secure and scalable e-commerce without increasing hardware or IT support costs

Leverage Existing SIS Systems

  • Integrate your SIS directly into CommunityPass to further streamline operations
  • Automate student uploads
  • Annually update your new student database.

Repurpose your investment in your existing SIS.

For IT Administrators

Send Us Your Students...

New kindergartners, graduating seniors, end-of-year step up…student data is constantly changing. CommunityPass security ensures that parents see their child’s data in CommunityPass as it exists in your Student Information System.


The primary family contact, address and phone for sibling students, verified regularly by the parents themselves. Updated email and cell numbers for mass communication or individual texting…and a whole new way of looking at Family.


Happy teacher using laptop with student at the elementary school

FOR School-Based Organizers

Strengthen Your Community

We recognize that every school or district has a network of support organizations that operate independently but may provide alternate sources of funding or may depend on the information provided by the SIS.

  • Community Schools
  • Before & After Care Programs
  • Parent Teacher Organizations
  • Education Foundations
  • Booster Clubs

Serve your entire school-based community.

CommunityPass Payments Integrates With Genesis

Are you using Genesis software for your school?  You can now collect payments seamlessly with CommunityPass.  Click to learn more.

Learn More Now

Give CommunityPass A Try

Let’s talk today to see how CommunityPass can take care of your school’s fee-based registrations and payments while integrating with your Student Information System.